قانون اساسی آلمان
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany
Deutsches Grundgesetz
Verfassung des Landes Hessen
قوانین آیین دادرسی آلمان
Bundesrechnungshof Act
Deutsche Richtergesetz
Federal Constitutional Court Act
German Judiciary Act
قوانین مربوط به آیین دادرسی آلمان
Act on the Alternative Civilian Service of Conscientious Objectors (ZDG)
Act on the General Freedom of Movement for EU Citizens (Freedom of Movement Act/EU)
Administrative Procedure Act
Asylum Procedure Act
Federal data Protection Act
Framework Act For Higher Education (HRG)
Immigration Act 2004
Immigration Act 2004
Immigration Act 2004
Law on the Preservation and Use of Federal Archival Documents (BArchG)
Nationality Act
Nationality Act
Nationality Act (1913, as amended 1999)
Residence Act 2004
Residence Act 2004
The Federal Lawyers' Act
قوانین جزایی آلمان
Code of Crimes Against International Law
Criminal Procedure Code
German Criminal Code
قوانین مدنی آلمان
Adoption Placement Act
German Civil Code
Protection of Young Persons Act
Youth Protection Act
قوانین تجاری آلمان
Act Against Restraints on Competition
Foreign Trade and Payments Act
Liability Act 1978
Product Liability Act of 15 December 1989
قوانین بانکی آلمان
Banking Act
Banking Act
Bundesbank Act
Insolvency Statute (Insolvenzordnung, InsO)
Law on the Supervision of Insurance Undertakings
Prospectus Act
Securities Trading Act
قوانین مربوط به حقوق محیط زیست آلمان
Act for Promoting Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management and Ensuring Environmentally Compatible Waste Disposal
Act to Improve Preventive Flood Control
BodenschutzVO vom 12.07.1999
End-of-Life Vehicles Act (AltfahrzeugG)
Environmental Information Act
Environmental Liability Act of 10 December 1990
Federal Immission Control Act - BImSchG
Federal Nature Conservation Act
Federal Soil protection Act
Kreislaufwirtschafts-/AbfallG 2001
قوانین مالکیت فکری آلمان
Copyright Law
Patent getzetbuch
The Plant Variety Protection Law
قانون داوری آلمان
قوانین مربوط به تجارت الکترونیک آلمان
Digital Signature Act
Law Governing Framework Conditions for Electronic Signatures and Amending Other Regulations